Creating a unique customer experience
Every organisation needs to create a unique product value proposition & this needs to be communicated to the customer and understood by the customer.
East West design is located in South Fremantle a short distance from South Beach. The building is a former wool store; the outside of the building which spans two streets [South Terrace and Marine Parade] has a magnificent trompe l’oeil mural painted by artist Graeme Richards – seeing is believing.
The mural promotes the types of products and the provenance of the product contained within the huge Jarrah beam warehouse. Interestingly, and a little mischievously, the owners’ West Highland Terrier can be found in many of the quirky scenes and this adds a where’s Wally kind of feel. The old warehouse seems perfect as the owners have a re-cycle, re-purpose, re-use philosophy that adds interest to this eclectric collection.
The mural is a magnet for photographers, including wedding photographers as it adds a background style found in photographs of the past. It is as you could imagine the mural attracts many and multiple ‘selfies’ as people set the selfie backgrounds according to the various countries. This is great example on how to amplify social media with a zero marginal cost communication strategy.

the total product
The COMP factors [Customers, Organisation, Market, and Products] influence the business plan, the marketing plan, and the marketing action plans of an organisation. Let’s take a few moments to explore the C&P factors through the total product. The e-book defines the total product as: The totality of what an organisation delivers to the customer – what is promised, therefore, what is expected, what is delivered, and what are the total costs to the customer.
The total East West Design product is made up of product considerations, product layers, and product components – just as any other total product. There are 6 product components, not all total products have all 6 product components. East West Design is a great example of a total product with all 6 and also how the 6 product components are managed.
Goods: To a consumer the goods are, over the life of the product, the core product, and the goods provide a service to consumers – for example a dining table enables the family to sit and have a meal. In the video we can see a variety of goods for the home and garden.
Services: East West Design also provide services. Internal services are the processes that enable the organisation to function. External services are directed towards external customers; for example, with their customers’ needs in mind [target market] they select goods from around the world. Many of these services like shipping, storage, deliver are backstage and hidden [out of sight and out of mind]. Other services are frontstage and visible; for example the services the staff provide to their customers. Regardless of whether the services are hidden or visible the cost of the service is part of the total cost of bringing the product to market and ultimately part of a customer’s evaluation of satisfaction.
Ideas: As you walk through the warehouse ideas on how to furnish a home are everywhere – ideas are communicated within the design of the individual pieces. The philosophy of the organisation [also an idea] is also evident in the selection of the products we can see that East West Design are committed to ideas of re-purposing and re-cycling,
Experiences: There are a number of different experiences in the East West Design total product. For example, the outdoor experience created by the magnificent mural, this adds to the general streetscape but also encourages passers by to stop and take in the mural. Inside the store are also experiences as people take in the collection and the array of eclectic pieces within the store.
People: Of course, nothing happens without people. People are the organisation’s staff that help the customers to interpret their dreams, desires, and demands through the selection of an appropriate product. Perhaps, furnish a room or an outdoor area. As mentioned people also perform hidden and visible services.
Place: There are many place aspects within the total East West Design total product. The warehouse itself – the timer pillars and the large timber beams create an ambiance of a time past [before flat pack furniture]. The provenance of the goods within the warehouse and displayed on the murals. However, it is important to keep in mind that customers buy these products to create their own place within their home, outdoor area or even commercial property.

two street facades – two different murals
The East West design warehouse has spans two streets – South Terrace [above] and Marine Terrace [below].
The South Terrace facade pays homage to the craftsmen of the various countries in which the products are sourced, interestingly, the Marine Terrace facade recognises the beach across the road and generally the Western Australian beach culture. This mural incorporates as few classic scenes and through a sense of humour highlights some Western Australian icons. It also highlights that many customers try to create the beach side cottage within their home or outdoor areas.
It is no wonder that this is a regular stop for backpackers and tourist buses.